We've seen a lot of cement trucks and now the pit has a bottom, this is where they will greatly expand the temple by way of underground floors that will include dressing rooms and other things, and the "top" floor will have glass in the roof so you see the temple. I think this will include the main entrance. The tunnel is where the garage entrance links and was originally as far down as they were going to go.

One of the things that has been hard for me is not having a chance to do anything creative. I brought some watercolors and a watercolor lesson book, have a sketchbook for occasional play with pencil or brush marker lettering when it gets slow at the office, but haven't been able to really work out doing things in the "free" time (and tired state) we tend to have. But then we saw the neighbors returning a desk to the storage in the basement and Durk kindly nabbed it for me! So I have a place to leave painting stuff ready to go (the plastic folding table we bought early on) and another place for my laptop and scripture study, no wasting my bit of time moving things back and forth. I bought a book on daily painting and ordered supplies, and already I've managed to spend an hour or so playing with "art" twice. Hooray! It won't be possible to paint daily but I'm hoping for weekly.  And I may be painting letters :) The other helpful thing is a book of drawing prompts and tips that Jenny gave me for Christmas that now lives in my desk drawer at the office. 

This unusual situation helps me realize how much creativity and fellowship is often found through callings in the church (we don't have them! just occasional "assignments," like I get to teach a Relief Society lesson in February -- we have a different teacher every time.)

I mentioned the mission conference that got moved to virtual, it happened just down the hall from where our lunch group gathered (masked) in a small conference room to watch on a big screen. I hope no one minds if I include my notes, several things I want to study further, don't worry if you don't get much out of them if you try to read through since they are rough notes. Everyone in the mission was invited, service as well as full-time missionaries, so there were hundreds on zoom. We were invited to send in questions.

I think the notes will go at the end so you can more easily skip them. (They include what questions were dealt with and how). Elder Renlund made notes on a shared screen a few times to make sure we noted scriptures so we could read along or study further.

On Saturday Jan 29 we attended the first of the BYU Winterfest at Temple Square performances along with Glen, Megan, Isaac, and Bethany. We were right in front of some very enthusiastic fans who knew performers personally and were whistling and screaming their names to the point Durk and I moved. The groups have only just started this week to perform again after two years. Isaac really liked it so I guess we choose the right one to bring him to. It's really different and wonderful to be able to have family around and associate with people younger than senior missionaries sometimes.

"Celebrating the native cultural heritage of North and South America and the South Pacific, Living Legends presents a vibrant spectacle of energy, music, costume, and dance. As they take the stage, talented performers of native descent capture the rhythms of Polynesia, portray the fascinating legends of Native American people, and dazzle the senses with the energy of Latin America. Both the lavish attire and the intricate choreography are authentic representations of the showcase cultures."

 An interesting thing we did last week was email and text stake presidents about their missionaries being moved out of two missions in the Ukraine. It was still a bit hush-hush until the church Newsroom made the announcement. One of the responsibilities of the IFRs (Infield Reps) is to keep a close eye on the news and how things are going - for instance one who is working in the actual office while waiting to get into New Zealand is over Tonga so they have been keeping up with the volcano and tsunami crisis. They help make sure there is communication both ways and can report on how the missionaries are doing. They keep in close contact with mission presidents and help train them as well as support them. We learned that fairly recently the safety people have worked on getting water filter bottles into missionary apartments, something that has been extremely helpful in Tonga with ash in everything.

We have started having department meetings with the computer people working on a whole new system that is going to take over what we are using now in the office. I'm glad they are having many meetings over a long time because it seems to be hard to convince the computer guys of just what information we really need and the best way to present and access it. Apparently it will make life way simpler on the programming end and be powerful, etc. but most of us hope the changeover isn't at all soon, like after retirement --or for us, after we leave...  Which reminds me, Durk's security key card quit working, it seems it was set for a six-month stint. So we packed up and went home. Oh wait,, we only thought we might...  We've had a rather long tedious days lately and would love a vacation.

Personal note: I had a crown pop off and had visions of it being like the one that came loose in Brasil, but luckily my sister has a great dentist who got me right in and found it just needed to be glued back on . No digging out of roots, etc. whew! My sister has been outstanding as  resource for all things Salt Lake, as well as receiving packages for me since we can't get Amazon or UPS deliveries in the complex:(  I only just learned about Amazon Lockers, one is a few blocks away, where we can have things shipped and get a code to go open the locker and receive it.  I've heard stories of packages being thrown over the fence for recipients to find in the bushes. Information on the lockers is now going into the new arrival packet.

We had a mission devotional about the Training Zone, where they are really busy lately with new missionaries coming in . There are currently 31 missionaries that spend their time on training and helping. For some time it was all zoom and they had 100-150 people at some of the zoom enrichment classes! these are further trainings on specific topics for family history work. They also mentioned that two of their former missionaries got married - 80 and 81 years old - and are now serving in the Rome temple.
Other bits and pieces from the devotional:
Pres. Eyring: Revelation comes in proportion to the degree in which one has sought to take the doctrine of Christ into his or her heart and implement that doctrine into one’s life. see 2 Nephi 32:3-6
We should be determined and excited to obey.
As new missionaries come in and introduce themselves and tell how they were led to serve at his time, its obvious they Hear Him in the process.
FamilySearch IS the work of the church (Pres. Nelson Apr 2020 Sunday morning session)
Historical descriptions on Joseph Smiths voice --- similar to what we have been told about the voice of God the Father (some in Emmeline B Wells' papers being worked on by church history projects) (D&C 1:38)
Sister Miller told how making the video for the Go Forth meeting (where new missionaries get their assignments) has been a sacred experience for her, she prays over it as she puts together images of ancestors. Reminded me that one reason for it is to remind us that all the family history work done here is part of the Gathering of Israel, our own ancestors are part of our work and everyone in the mission is strongly encourage to work on their own family history as part of their mission.

Zone devotional by the Rumseys working at Ensign College - they were requested, known by college for years having helped with building scholarships, 30 years ago added trust fund and named scholarship after ancestor. In 2009 president Larry Richards went out and asked businesses what they needed and then came back and developed curriculum to get job-worthy fast, especially with single parent in mind to quickly provide for family. Scholarships for single parents require proof of support group to help with kids, etc. Almost 40% of Ensign college students are international, orphan from Ghana now has internship into great job. They testified Ensign College divinely inspired and led, very personalized help. Unfortunately this couple will serve a shorter mission than planned, they have brought their Downs child with them on previous missions but didn't find a spot that worked out for them this time.

Mission conference with Elder Renlund 1/28/2022

 What does Pres. Nelson want us to know? Thank you thank you, you and your work are much appreciated.

Assignments (mission) come by prophecy (apostles, two large screens with ½ showing application and other 1½ all the missions in the world), you can get your own assurance of this and when you do, write it down. Randalls (mission president  and companion) assigned by apostolic keys, all 15 agree before call is made. Confidence in your call and in president’s call changes things


Sister Schmutz – Pres Nelson said to become engaged learners:

Christofferson – faith to….(whole list)

Use footnotes, study journal – write thoughts, impressions, insights, feelings

Memorize scriptures (event though it’s getting harder)


Sister Palmer – couple thought they were going to Nauvoo got sent to Nigeria! Sought the Lord’s help and did it. Another couple spent their mission inventorying buildings – all their contents from chairs to books, etc. Said it’s all the Lord’s work.

Family History is another place the Lord will open our minds-


Sister Renlund – Oct 2016 Pres. Nelson Joy and Spiritual Survival – still have challenges during service, don’t focus on them, claim joy, thankful for Savior and keep covenants

How real is the Savior in my life? Can we make him more real and thus have more joy, We know we have a relationship with the Savior when we feel his joy.

Personal acts of private devotion – meaningful prayer, prepare for the sacrament, recognize the hand of God daily, don’t let challenges overwhelm joy in the Savior, sharpen focus on Jesus Christ each day and our focus on challenges will diminish


Questions sent in-

(Cyclical and iterative nature of Doctrine of Christ): what if nothing to repent of at sacrament? PMG chapt 8 – develop attributes of Christ, improve and become like Christ, incorporate his attributes into our souls (=change of heart)


If can’t keep covenants due to disability/illness? Live promises, heart and desire, study covenants and promises, reflect on them, be reminded of covenants, living/keeping them not just making them (covenants not just actions/activities, heart, mind, desires, study, etc.)

Similar w/o access to temple – one brother would go to attic and remind self of temple words and covenants, cannot speak of covenants without them linking to the Savior, the power of covenants comes from Him and is binding to Him.


What are Pres. Nelsons concerns?  Palmer story: visiting US for family emergency from S. Africa, sat with Pres. N in lunchroom (“eat your soup, you’ll get over it” from Pres. Nelson at being with him) What msg to take back? Some things are out of out control, focus on what is in our control, live out lives so we are always ready to meet our Maker.

Also, you think Pes. Nelson is great and doing great but he is even better than you think by a lot. 😊


Sis. S – thoughts on reaching out to children who have left church: E Anderson counseled: your son knows what he learned and has felt the Spirit in his life, share your feelings and things that have inspired you. Love them so they know that Heavenly Father still loves them too.

Elder Renlund – see Faust Apr. 2003 (Dear are the Sheep) – quoted Orson P quote Smith- eternal sealing will save their posterity, eye of shepherd is on them-



Elder S – Q if divorced and ex has other family, keep the sealing?

Sealings are vertical and horizontal – sealed to Father and Son -vertical) families horizontal, by covenants (keeping them) all tears are dried, by covenants all cares are taken care of (Mosiah, children of Christ, ch 5 seal you His) Covenant making is power that makes us holy, never give away your sealing – eternal properties, powers, by covenants we are brought into heaven-


Sister S – what’s the most important thing to prep for 2nd coming? Most imp for gathering of Israel? Little things, do all the prophet has asked,

Elder R- prepare to meet our Maker, Matt 24 don’t be deceived, Matt 25 10 virgins= take the Holy Ghost as our guide

Talents= magnify whatever we have been given

Sheep/goats= help others, esp unfortunates


Alma 5- focus on Hope that lies ahead


Q leadership like Savior, Sis R- Mark 10:42-45 Jesus’ leadership style (served)

(My thought-we SERVE a mission)

John 13:12-17 we increase our faith by ACTING in faith

Serve, invite, exert righteous influence


Elder R- Q’s on covid letter –

Each apostle was asked about reorganizing presidency and who president should be, as each spoke all had witness ,Pentecostal feeling during Pres. Nelsons ordination, many tear-stained, you can know as surely, He cares about what people think but his focus is on pleasing the Savior. The Savior is his audience. Acts 15 seemed good to Holy Ghost and to us. Instructions weren’t given to stir trouble, no changing of temple recommend questions


Eld P – Q on temple – he is on temple council with Bednar and Gong

Great outpouring about temples and how they run, goal is to help more saints closer t o the Lord through temples, things will changes with or without covid

Elder R- when assigned to dedicate a temple given keys to write dedicatory prayer

Sis P if someone worships family over God? We are not judge of how people do things


Eld S- Pres. N concerned that members know the doctrine, know it correctly and that it is true.

Especially the simple doctrine of Christ and focus on it (not philosophy with spiritual flavor that has not Christ in it

0 never stop going to the direct source of truth, God and his revealed word. True principles, doctrine and obedience


Sis S – how to help children emotional/mental health at this time, keep communication open so they can come to you because your doctrine is sure, they can trust you not internet for answers, talk of spiritual experiences with children/grandchildren


Elder R- 1894 WWoodruff before they understood the idea of sealing parents to grandparents back as far as possible, Family Search was started then, from beginning "arm’s length" from church. This has helped immensely in getting it to work, having cooperation for places, etc, distance from church has made much possible (Q was about change in dress for workers/missionaries there – casual not mission clothes, first names no badge, etc) 1 Cor. 9:20


Q how can Christ be advocate AND judge? Moro 7:28-28 no blindfolded Justice, it’s a rigged court – Christ is the father in Prodigal Son – runs to greet

Q how does fasting bring about God’s will, Isaiah 58 (three subjects, fasting, temple, sabbath) 58: 9 blessings :11 wayward, many generations, etc. (14 temple)


Core plans for temples, modular – will make it possible to have well-made buildings in far places yet they will look different in appearance, individual yet “pods” of prefab brought in

“Pres. Nelson keeps very close to all temple everything


The 12 have emotions, Elder R has seen sadness, frustration, etc but never fear – they KNOW the Lord will accomplish His work, (every prophet has had the same optimism because they know).


Closing – elder S – I testify what I have experienced – reality of Christ-

Elder P – did not our hearts burn within us – today – we are led by Him, love for us

Renlund- Know Christ lives, great compassionate love, as we are faithful in serving our families will be better, and better than if we were still there-


