Here to Learn


We've been seeing these very large panels around the building and now we know why - we have been blessed with the opportunity to join with a group of senior missionaries to do the 12-week leadership course developed for "the workplace" (church employees)  and so far it is not only awesome but something I need right now. I think a purpose we did not anticipate for being in this particular mission was to learn - all the opportunities we have with devotionals, etc.,  and now this one. When we ran out of things to do at the office I was able to do my homework plus listen to/read a couple of really thought-provoking sessions with interviews and discussion by Elder Bednar and Elder Holland recorded from employee training seminars over the last several years. The class is similar to the self-reliance courses in that you have facilitators but mostly read, watch short videos, answer questions and make specific personal goals, something I have not been good at lately. Another similarity is that we will have "study buddies" to help us be accountable. We are one  of the few groups that get to meet in person, with the seniors from our lunch group (mostly Senior Missionary Department people) plus a bunch from Prison Ministries, and we eat as we learn.

A few notes from the first lesson and accompanying materials - Bednar: through repentance I know Him better. Right out of the garden of Gethsemane he heals the guard - he always looked outward, ministered, compassion-   D&C 67:13

If leaders teach/have in place correct principles and parameters = workers don't have to sit and wait to be told what to do. D&C 6:36 - part of our marching orders

We must keep pace with the Lord's hastening of His work - (He is hastening it, not us) must repent, change, adapt, be NIMBLE . We must strengthen, build, lift, help others as we go. Leaders build strengthen, help those around them develop.

"Back at the ranch"... Another move forward, with the help of a prompt from our Sunday School teacher, things finally came together and I started on my "daily painting" that I hope to do weekly. The plan is 6" quick, simple projects based on the alphabet and names of Christ. I'm even going to try posting them each week on Instagram. The longer version of this story is on the calligraphy blog I used to do: LetterDesignBlog

the Great I Am, Alpha and Omega (see Doctrine and Covenants 38:1)

We got to have a holiday for President's Day. We planned to finally stop at the fancy bakery we drive by often, but it turns out to be closed on Mondays. We went across the street for bagels instead and then went to the more northern Walmart to find small bottles of Martinelli's Sparkling Apple Juice. Durk wanted to check out Deseret Industries for more ties but they also closed for the holiday.

 There was a bit of snow this morning and it was cold so we didn't think it was ideal for an outdoor experience as our holdiy excursion. But Saturday we got to see a really great performance on the BYU Ballroom Dancers. Ballroom dance has changed a lot in the last 20 years! it was pretty lively, including lots of lifts - like ice skaters. You now have to be quite a weightlifter to dance :) And fortunately there wasn't all the crazy screaming and whistling by the audience as the "Living Legends". We have three more concerts coming up - its such a long walk across the street to the conference center theater....

What else did we learn lately: Zone devotional included missionaries working at Ensign College again, tender mercies such as being forewarned while in the temple that his wife would be ill and pass away - didn't want to marry again but after a few years the Spirit told him to so he could serve missions again, Purpose of Ensign College "Develop Capable Disciples of Christ", Choose Happiness; Stick to God's plan even though it means continually adjusting Our plan; repentance is real and sweet and beautiful.  This couple also served in the BYU Teachers in China program.

A couple who direct the Farmland Reserve "Mission" spoke - it is under the Presiding Bishopric yet sort of in our mission too. President Hinckley said it was prudent to put some of the church's reserve of money to good use with agricultural properties to help provide for the needy and bring in a financial return and to have the access to the food products in emergencies. Their 1st mission was to the church olive farm in Chile teaching English to workers. There are nuts farms, cattle ranches, and more. Missionaries deal with infrastructure; building, fixing, maintaining. There are about 150 full-time senior missionaries and about 30 young service missionaries. One Mom drove her son two hours every day to serve and said it was the best thing  he had ever done, he LOVES it. One of the young missionaries said he has totally changed, he used to be mean to his mom and went with a girl that was not so good, but now he knows God loves and values him. The seniors in Farmland Reserve also are usually in branch leadership, often teach early morning seminary or Institute.       

The directors coordinate with managers of each ranch/farm (Sister M said she had to learn that farm is plants and ranch is animals) and they spend 50-75% of their time traveling. They work closely with the missionary department to find people with the needed skills, construction, etc. One day they got a call that one place had urgent need for someone who knew water rights - they couldn't find any leads on how to help, so they prayed hard and the next day as they walked into the office the phone rang and someone said they didn't know how they could be much help, not having skills, but they'd like to serve. Turned out he'd spent his life as a specialist in water rights.

At another place they had a water leak and couldn't find the shut-off, they searched and searched. after prayer, one walked out to a spot and started digging down and it was right there covered with dirt. One couple was going to Florida when the Directors felt strongly they should be in Mississippi instead, called them and asked them to turn around partway through the trip. In an old cemetery right by their new lodging they found loads of gravestones for her family she had been searching for for many years.                                                               
Zone devotional with President Parker:  Doctrine of Christ - D&C 20:77 How do we willingly take His name? -All the various names of Christ - how do we take THEM upon us?  2 NE 31:20-21 - Thus sayeth the Father (3 NE 12:48) How do we become Chosen, Messiah, Prince of Peace, etc? - Beatitudes tell us, they are  attributes of the Savior and very similar to names of Christ. Take his name = take on his attributes (Alma 5:13-16) be One with Christ as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are one. We take His name upon us as we become like Him.

Another zone devotional, Military Relations Coordinators - about 130 spots, 82 couples serving, need 50 more! Called to the specific facility, retired military with card to get on base, they help military and their families in many ways.  Military service members get a personalized letter from a general Authority and other things (as long is they self- identify as LDS) Spoke of a miracle of the name badge, young daughter of military who had night terrors, frequent nightmares, finally stopped when Elder gave her one of his name badges and talked about Christ's name being on it, as long as she kept it by her bed no nightmares, in moving they lost track and had to find it because nightmares came back.

Not as successful concert: Noteworthy - not Durk's kind of music :) Also not as polished a performance but fun. We saw other senior missionaries there, possibly because I sent the link to the Winterfest schedule to our zone leader who sent it out.

Change sin policies, we got to take the masks off at church and around the office. They will go back tot he schedule they were planning for last August on March 7 - most everyone will come to work at les a couple of days a week. We've noticed many have gotten loud at doing personal zoom so it might be an adjustment.
