Our Mission - not the average mission!


President and Sister Randall who have the only mission that is all senior missionaries, some full-time and some service missionaries (which can be a 40-hour week or a few hours a week or anything between and live at home.) Pre-covid we hear there were about 1200 and now maybe getting back up to 700. Right now it includes some who are here working while waiting to get into their assigned countries. Some are working form their apartments doing online work for their foreign mission, some do that plus work in the Family or Church History libraries.
Here's the official description of the areas covered by the mission:

Utah Salt Lake City Headquarters Mission

Zone Overview

Family History Library

British Services

Assists guests with research in records from the British Isles, New Zealand, and Australia.


Provides interactive discovery experiences for guests of all ages, including connections to famous people, geographic origin of ancestors, meaning of names, photographs, documents, family stories, oral histories, and world events happening during the lifetime of guests and their ancestors.



FH Library Services    

Provides library services in the Family History Library, including maintenance and management of books, microfilms, maps, and other documents.  Supports the Library staff’s collections, catalog, and inventory activities.                          

International Services                  

Provides research assistance for all non-English-speaking countries.  Assists with special projects including Korean, Japanese, and Chinese indexing and research.

US/Canada Services 

Helps first-time visitors to the Family History Library get started with FamilySearch™ and begin family history research and helps returning visitors conduct research for ancestors in the US and Canada.


Image web part

Digital Information Processing                            

Checks the quality of digital images of vital records, mines digital repositories for genealogical items, provides cataloging of FamilySearch Catalog metadata, provides Wiki articles for vital record collections, creates hierarchical breakdowns of some collections, and supports camera capture and book scanning.


Salt Lake Records Operations Center    

Works with staff on oral genealogies, prepares data for temple publication through indexing, links names with images and obituaries for indexing, and assists staff with special projects for the purpose of getting names ready for the temple.


Family History Data Services    

Assists patrons in resolving data issues encountered within FamilySearch™: living ordinances, famous names, and Family Tree support. Assists patrons regarding FamilySearch™ policies: temple reservations, memories (i.e., photos, documents, and stories), system abuse, and 110-year rule.  In addition, provides real-time phone support for FamilySearch™, data-quality case support, and development of training material curriculum.


Zone Overview

Church History Library   



Tells the story of the Restoration by acquiring, processing, and cataloging personal histories, oral histories, and artifacts that provide inspiring and motivating stories of individuals and events that have contributed to the growth and development of the Church.

CH Library Services    

Works with professional Church History Library staff in helping patrons use historical materials to enhance their family histories.  Helps library guests feel the spirit and value of Church history through research and library tours.  Enhances Church history by working on special projects that make more historical information available to the public. Researches and grants requests for copies of patriarchal blessings.

Special Projects    

Supports documentary research by the Church History Library's departmental staff; prepares biographical summaries of members, missionaries, and leaders; transcribes handwritten materials; links original documents to library databases; digitizes records for online access; supports artifact identification and documentation for the Church History Museum; and provides storage services at the Granite Mountain Records Vault.


Church Office Building

Headquarters Support Services  (our zone!)

Provides expertise in support of temple construction, real-estate administration, natural-resources management, risk management, seminary and institute, welfare services, and security. Assists in the production and interpretation of church events in many native languages. Helps prospective missionaries and leaders with missionary application processes, medical/mental health evaluations, and recommendations for service. Provides administrative support to military relations, Church educational services, and self-reliance services.

Joseph Smith Memorial Building

Mission Office Zone  

Performs administrative and financial tasks for the mission, assists incoming and outgoing full-time missionaries with transportation and housing needs, manages medical and health concerns, and coordinates opportunities for Church-service missionaries and volunteers.

Training Zone

Provides training in FamilySearch™ Family Tree customized for new missionaries with different levels of experience, supplemental enrichment training for current missionaries, and capstone training to equip departing missionaries for continued family-history service.  
