Week One: MTC

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, 
if ye have love one to another. John 13:35

Our "District" with our teacher, Sister Higa, in the center
From left, the Gardners, Marshalls, Mangans, Merrells.
So begins the online record of our adventure to Brazil. Forgive my learning curve making it look good and read smoothly!
Our son Evan made a count-down paper chain as we prepared to go, it took a second try when our departure got changed from October to January, but eventually we were down to the last link and on Monday January 7, we were dropped off with our four big suitcases at the door of Building S1 of the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah.

We were part of a record- breaking group of senior missionaries about twice the usual, we heard various numbers but we think 144 is correct. From many places and going to 20 states and 23 countries, all 6 populated continents. Borneo to Iceland with assignments from self-reliance to housing coordinators, military, medical advisers, Young single adult support, and others. We have Sister Neill F. Marriott in the group, if you remember her, she and her husband are going to Portugal. They are on the far right in the photo below.

This is one of many, many photos taken to document the entire group.
(That sweater is getting quite a workout since I only have three long-sleeved things to layer up my summer clothes with)

The MTC time is filled with really uplifting gatherings and great teachers, I wish everyone could have the new PMG (Preach My Gospel) training before teaching anyone or ministering. Apparently it is evolving a lot, what we got has only been done a few months. It was rather intense sometimes, I don’t know how the young ones go all day plus all evening, we felt a bit like being fed with a firehouse much of the time and wanted  a chance to pause and absorb. Even though we are not proselyting missionaries, there are so many ways we can help people, even assisting the younger missionaries who need encouragement, it was easy to see how this training will help us all in so many ways. we will forever look at teaching and ministering a bit differently.

We were led step-by-step (thankfully) through a variety of learning and teaching activities, including basic use of technology to help us use the gospel library better --to make folders and notebooks and link scriptures, notes, videos, etc. so we could easily plan and save for teaching. And through it all was the constant learning about how to be more effective by keeping our teaching close to the  doctrine of the gospel or Doctrine of Christ - faith in Christ and his Atonement, repentance (change, improvement, turning/returning toward God), baptism (sacrament) and the gift of the Holy Ghost. Which strengthens your faith which makes you want to repent..... Everything ties back to this, how do you help people on this circle, how can you strengthen them and help them find healing and Joy through the Savior? Keep Christ (or the Godhead) in your questions not only as you teach but as you get to know people.

Some of the “sound bites” I’d like to remember are
Get out of the way and let the Spirit work
Repentance is how we access the Atonement
Covenants underly every doctrine
Don’t put limits on God or the Spirit
Never give away a closed Book of Mormon
Satan cannot mimic Peace
There is no growth in your comfort zone or comfort in a growth zone

The last afternoon included a skit by the young missionaries (being a senior couple, Elder and Sister Happy) to begin and end group sessions about being bold, using your power and authority, and raising your level of commitment.
Its wonderful to be around so many happy, loving, eager people - both young and old. Working most of the day in our small districts gave us a chance to get to know each other and realize that even though many look like they are practically general authorities, all have their worries and feel inadequate. The teachers were able to help us share and feel the inspiration of the Spirit greatly.

Saturday was our first free day, we figured out the laundry Friday evening  as well as getting a vehicle on loan from my sweet sister Carol, so Saturday we could pick up Durk's new lightweight suit for Brazil and meet his siblings for a last gathering for early dinner - the Nyal Merrell Memorial Chuck-a-Rama :)

Sunday was full - morning church meetings, "District Council",  a "departure devotional" and then a regular one, and more. We got to have a delicious lunch at my sister Carol's and then visit with my other sister Chris and brother Roger and their spouses for a last in-person conversation for 18 months. And we finally took the obligatory "giant world map photo" where you point to your mission.

 Go forth with faith to tell the world
Of Jesus Christ, the Lord.
Bear witness he is God's own Son;
Proclaim his wondrous word.
Go forth with hope and courage strong
To spread the word abroad
That people of all nations
Are children of our God.
Go forth with love to tell the world
The joy of families--
That we may be with those we love
Thru all eternity.
Go forth to serve and do your best
With no thought of reward;
Then you shall know the boundless joy
Of serving Christ, the Lord.
Go forth with pow'r to tell the world
The gospel is restored,
That all may gain eternal life
Thru Jesus Christ, the Lord.
Go forth to preach his glorious truths
Of peace, of joy, and love,
That all who heed his holy word
May praise the Lord above.
Ruth M. Gardner


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